Thursday, March 31, 2022

Documentation: Solution Assurance

The solution assurance team started to publish solution setups, recommendations, and step-by-step guidelines for a broad range of topics, for example:

  • High availability clustering
  • IBM Cloud Infrastructure Center
  • kdump
and more!

You can access the materials here, but don't forget to check back periodically: There is more to come!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Documentation: SAP Application Server on KVM

This new publication aims towards providing practical insights for running real-world workloads on KVM on IBM Z. From the abstract:

The SAP on IBM Z Performance team, in Poughkeepsie, NY, conducted a series of measurements to assess the performance cost of implementing a KVM environment to host SAP application servers. The tests used SAP (SBS 9.0) core banking workloads, with a Db2 database having 100 million banking accounts, which are comparable to some of the largest banks in the world. Tests were conducted that used both banking workload types, Account Settlement (batch) and Day Posting, which simulates online transactional processing (OLTP). They were executed on an IBM z15 with 16 and 32 Integrated Facility for Linux (IFL) processor configurations, that used various degrees of virtualization.

The document is available here.